Secure File Sharing with Clients

PlanetVerify helps companies to collect and share files with clients in a fast, secure, and compliant way.

PlanetVerify enables secure file sharing with clients by providing companies with a secure, end-to-end encrypted solution. PlanetVerify helps companies to move away from legacy file sharing methods like email to our highly secure ISO 27001 certified platform.

Secure File Sharing with Clients - The Challenge

Sharing files with clients in a secure way is an ever-evolving challenge. Cyber attacks continue to grow increasingly sophisticated and now, more than ever, legacy file sharing processes are leaving companies highly vulnerable to security breaches. Sharing file switch clients also brings with it issues around data compliance, productivity, and accessibility. 

Security: When it comes to secure file sharing with clients, security is by far the biggest challenge. One statistic that illustrates this issue is the fact that over 90% of cyber attacks begin with an email. Now, if a company is still using email as its primary file sharing method – then they are leaving themselves wide open to cyber attacks. Bear in mind email attachments can contain harmful malware that can cause ransomware or trojan horse attacks which can devastate an organization. 

Client Experience: Clients today are growing increasingly security-conscious so it is important to keep that in mind as you build out your secure file sharing process. If you share a file with a client through an unsecured or legacy channel, you might quickly find yourself losing a client. One of the challenges around sharing files with clients is to build security into the client experience. You do not want to overload a client with complex processes – instead you need to figure out simple, yet secure alternatives to legacy email and in-person file sharing.

Internal Productivity: The file sharing process is one of those everyday activities that can make or break internal productivity. Legacy file sharing methods like email attachments and in-person document sharing can eat into your team’s time, and, it must be noted, so too can modern file sharing systems that don’t suit your team’s needs. For instance, some client portal systems are quite basic once you start looking into the finer details. On the surface, a client portal to share documents with clients in a secure manner might sound appealing – but, the reality is often different and teams can end up wasting valuable time downloading files, uploading files, and ultimately reverting back to the same legacy processes the expensive system was meant to replace. Ideally, you should look towards those systems that are built with the needs of the modern employee in mind – i.e. easy to implement and quick to learn systems that represent a quick time-to-value return. 

Accessibility: Permissions and accessibility is one of the other challenges around secure file sharing with clients. Companies need to figure out a way to ensure that documents are only accessible to the right people both internally and externally.


Definition - What Exactly is Meant by Secure File Sharing with Clients?

Secure client file sharing is the process of providing a client with access to a file. There are a number of ways files can be shared with clients.

Email Attachments: Email is still widely used to share important files and information with clients. Sharing files via email however brings with it a range of issues around security, compliance, and internal productivity. It must also be noted that once you send a client file as an attachment, you are relinquishing control of accessibility. The file can now be accessed by whoever the client shares the file with. There are also concerns about encryption. Microsoft Outlook, for example, uses TLS encryption to encrypt emails in transit – but this security measure does not mean an email will stay encrypted once it reaches the recipient’s email.

In-person: Many companies are still using in-person meetings with clients to share files. In-person meetings can have their place, but if they are your primary file sharing method, then you will be spending a lot of time meeting your clients in person and may run into scalability problems as you take on more clients and try to grow your business. 

Cloud-based File Sharing: Many companies today store their documents in the cloud and one of the key benefits of cloud storage is the way files can be shared with clients in a secure manner. Instead of emailing attachments to clients, companies can send them a secure link which enables them to download the file safely onto their own device.


With over 120,000 users, PlanetVerify is used by companies around the world to collect, manage, and share sensitive client files and information.  

Secure File Sharing with Clients - The Benefits

As more and more companies look to move away from legacy file sharing processes like email, it is worth identifying the benefits secure file sharing software can bring to an organization.

Security: First and foremost, there are big security benefits to investing in software solutions which can help you securely share files with clients. By moving away from the dreaded attachment, you will minimize the potential for malware attacks and also ensure client files are shared with end-to-end encryption.

Accessibility: Ideally, you will want to keep tight control of accessibility and permissioning. Leading software solutions can help you to ensure only your client and nobody else has access to their files.

Compliance: Compliance is a growing and evolving concern for businesses today. Collecting and sharing files with clients in a non-secure fashion is one way companies can fall foul of compliance requirements. However, with the right software solution and internal processes, companies can stay on top of compliance requirements as well as ensuring files are securely shared with clients.

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