Wave Goodbye to the Paperchase

It’s a Monday morning in January and you are back at your desk after the Christmas break. Have you made your list of resolutions for 2017? As well as doing that big clear-out you promised yourself last January, there are work related resolutions too. You want to encourage your staff to start using their time efficiently so they can hit targets on time and make a real effort this year to get out the door at 6pm, and no later! In order to achieve this, the simple question you need to answer and resolve is this –


Paper chase dominates most of work days. You spend time on creating documents, sending them, requesting them, receiving them, reading them and saving them. While most monetary transactions these days are carried out electronically, document gathering and verification is still a laborious and inefficient process.

When it comes to identification documents and other such information that needs to be protected, this process is slowed down even more. Not only is there a need to request the documentation and, most likely, chase for it a few times after the request, there is also a need to verify and protect this data. We have a lengthy check list of what we need to do to identify, request, obtain and protect these documents. Though the majority of businesses are still doing this via email.

This means a few things:

• Your inbox is now a hacker’s prime target
• You have a paper trail of sensitive information and document attachments that are not all logged securely in one place. You find yourself searching your inbox to obtain data that really should be encrypted
• Responsibility for verifying these documents falls on you
• Your staff are spending valuable hours of the day on document management


Recruitment agencies, Accountancy firms, HR departments and Letting Agencies are document-heavy workplaces. Staff spend long and repetitive chunks of their working day requesting, receiving, verifying and logging documentation. The time required for these processes is the reason staff are working late and citing “Admin” as the key part of their working day that slows them down.

Time spent away from business development (identifying new leads, networking, promoting new products and services) is time wasted and, while good administrative processes are key to the successful running of a business, securing a more efficient way of doing this is key to the success of growing that business.

Picture this: your top Recruitment Consultant has 20 jobs on in January, recruiting for clients and working towards a shortlist of 5 candidates per role. After the multiple CV’s are sieved through and the shortlist selected, this means requesting, collating and verifying 100 ID documentation/work permit scans, 100 employer references and 100 agency interview documents. If candidates are successful, that means 20 last payslips, 20 sets of bank details and 20 signed contracts to process. All of this work before that Recruitment Consultant even starts to build their pipeline for February.


So, what will be your resolution for your business this year?

Is saving time, reducing costs and increasing profits is high on your list? Click here to find out how PlanetVerify allows companies to obtain personal data directly and securely from their customers instantly and in a transparent way. Download the App or browse the PlanetVerify website to explore this advanced document gathering and verification process created with your data security in mind.

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