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Streamline your document flow with your Applicants and Candidates with PlanetVerify, an end-to-end encrypted platform for safe personal data exchange.

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Success Stories

John Doe
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“Using PlanetVerify has probably saved us in the region of one day per week... it is genuinely a no brainer”

Regina Mangan - Liberty Blue
John Doe
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“PlanetVerify saves us up to 25 man-hours a week - that’s like a part-time member of staff”

Mandy Meredith - Sherry Fitzgerald Lettings
John Doe
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”Planet Verify has revolutionised the collection of employee data when on-boarding a new recruit. No more chasing paperwork, emails and phone calls. In a few very simple and straightforward steps, the process is complete! It saves our HR Department so much time.”

Conleth Meehan - Butlers Chocolates



Tired of manual KYC onboarding processes?

Schedule a quick consultation with our solutions experts to explore ways PlanetVerify can help you optimize your KYC and AML Compliance process. Simply leave your details below, and we’ll do the rest!