Using Email to Gather Personal Data

Are you using still using email to gather documents ?

As a business grows and flourishes, the one resource that become less abundant is time. Finding new ways to work more efficiently becomes essential as demands on staff and other resources increase. We all use email every day to communicate with our customers. It’s easy, free, and quick- but is it the best way to request and share confidential personal data and documents? At PlanetVerify we think not…. and here’s why.

Email security

  • Emails are rarely encrypted and can be intercepted
  • Emails are stored on physical disks on the senders’ email server, the recipients’ email server and potentially many other servers in-between. This data could possibly be accessed at a later date- perhaps if the disk is decommissioned or in a number of other situations
  • These email servers could have viruses specifically targeting emails in order to steal sensitive data and information
  • If you are routinely opening attachments from a large number of senders, the possibility of downloading a virus onto your own company system becomes much higher
  • Hackers are now using social engineering and email hacks to obtain confidential or financial information
  • Within an organisation emails are usually backed up and often there are backups of backups! This seriously complicates GDPR compliance for a few reasons including, for example, when a data subject asks for their data to be deleted, finding every instance of the personal data will be laborious and uncertain.
  • On top of all that, juggling dozens of emails with attachments is a big waste of time.

PlanetVerify is designed to streamline the document gathering and verification process, making it better and safer for all.

Data protection

An inefficient approach to document collection and internal distribution can expose your organisation to the possibility of accidental data mishandling. GDPR outlines the responsibilities that come with handling personal data. These responsibilities include the necessity to keep personal data secure from unauthorised access, disclosure, or accidental loss. Heavy fines can be imposed for the mishandling of personal data.

This is where PlanetVerify comes in – our system allows companies to obtain personal data directly and securely from their customers.

Competitive advantage

Companies who look to the future and see opportunities before their competitors are always going to have an advantage. Finding new and better ways to work not only make your business more efficient, but also pays off in the long term as your competitors start to look outdated and out of touch. Also, you send a clear signal to everyone that you take personal data very seriously.

Customer experience is what will differentiate the best in each market in the future. Using the PlanetVerify app and dashboard allows you to communicate directly with your customers and enables them to share their personal data securely, instantly and in a transparent way.

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